Corporate Sustainability
Our commitment to sustainability
Max Baermann is a familiy business in its third geneartion. Our headquarter is located in the heart of nature therefore sustainability is a matter to our hearts.
Our product carbon footprint
We are aware of our responsibility for the environment and are committed to the careful use of natural resources. We are participating in the SBTi program to reduce our carbon footprint in accordance to the 1.5 degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement. To achieve this, we are committed to protecting the environment by promoting energy efficiency, minimizing waste and using environmentally friendly technologies.Therefore we determine our emissions and key figures for our key environmental aspects and work continuously to minimize our impact on the environment. We report our key figures annually via CDP and make them available to our customers.
Our products
Our products help to make the world more sustainable. The use of plastic-bonded permanent magnets can reduce the weight of motors and sensor magnets make technical devices smarter and more efficient. We help our customers by developing the right magnetic field design and geometry for assembly which can result in saving energy and avoiding the use of hazardous substances in downstream process steps. This is why our magnets can be found in many applications in the automotive, industrial and household appliance sectors.
Conflict minerals and rare earth
One of our goal is to solve our customer‘s problems with the most sustainable solution by intelligent and high precise magnetic field design and by avoiding the usage of rare earth material and conflict minerals.
In the case due to design it cannot be avoided we just work together with suppliers who can prove that their sources of conflict minerals are certified in accordance with the Responsible Minerals Initiative. Therefore we regularly request the CMRT and EMRT certificates from our supply chain.
Ressources & circular economy
Our material has already undergone a long journey and energy-intensive value creation, which is why we regard our raw materials as valuable substances. Due to this fact we consider the usage of recycling together with our customers from the beginning of the project to treat the materials with respect and to avoid waste. Waste is monitored in our production facilities and continuously reduced through technical and organizational improvement measures.
Supply Chain – Code of Conduct
Together with our business partners we want to find solutions for the global social and environmental challenges of our time. A uniform understanding of sustainability, defined by our Code of Conduct and the ten basic principles of the United Nations Global Compact is the basis for this. We provide our business partners with information on ESG issues via CDP, Ecovadis and IntegrityNext platforms and thus contribute to a transparent, sustainable supply chain with a commitment to continuous improvement.